This Week, June 12 Rob Moore and Moody Radio South

Posted By rotary

Last week Tuscaloosa Rotary welcomed another of its own. Rob Moore, manager of several Christian radio stations owned by the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, will speak to the Club.


Rob is a 1975 graduate of Thomasville High School and a 1979 graduate of the University of Alabama with a B. A. degree in Broadcast and Film Communications. He has supervised the building of four stations, all of which he manages. One of them is in Tuscaloosa (88.9 FM), one in Dixons Mills, one in Selma and one in Forest, MS. Rob has worked for Moody for 24 years. In 1998 the Alabama Senate passed a resolution honoring Rob for his service to Alabama through his radio work.


Rob’s passion for radio is an outgrowth of his passion for Christian ministry and “Service Above Self.” He was ordained as a Baptist minister in 2006; pastured Catherine Baptist Church in Wilcox County for two years, and was the worship leader at Putnam Baptist Church in Marengo County for ten years. He is an elder at Tuscaloosa Life Church and Past President of the Thomasville Civitan Club. He joined the Tuscaloosa Rotary Club in 2010.


He is married to the former Ginger Wood of Dixons Mills. Rob has three children, including a son in the Air Force’s Missile & Space Program. He also has three grandchildren and a fourth one due on Thanksgiving Day. 


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