September 2012 – Quarterly Newsletter: Boiling ‘N Bragging Event 2012

Posted By rotary

BoilingBragging-1012The 4th Annual Boiling N’ Bragging tailgate event was held Saturday, August 25th at Otey’s in Crestline Village with about 450 in attendance. This was the biggest and best event yet! The annual fundraiser is a District wide initiative to raise funds for Children’s of Alabama Critical Care Transport. LT and Rockstar with WJOX radio were our emcees, we had a cornhole tournament and football trivia with prizes, hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill and a low country boil! 10 tailgate teams had tents at the event this year including Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, Southern Miss, Tennessee and UAB. The event raised $33,340 with all event proceeds going to Critical Care Transport. Please go to the following link to see photos of the event: ragging82512

If your club would like to be on the
2013 Boiling N’ Bragging event committee, please email
Kristen Woods at


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