Posted By rotary
Rotarian Steve Katsinas received the Blackmon-Moody Award for Outstanding Professor Friday October 19, 2012 at the University of Alabama’s President’s Mansion. Our congratulations go out to Steve on this great accomplishment. The following is a link to the article: Click here for article.
Rotarian Stan Bloom died at 9 pm Saturday, October 20, 2012, at
Hospice of West Alabama. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa since April 5, 1949, was a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, and
served the club as president in 1973-74. A memorial service will be held at Bloom Hillel, 380 9th Street, Tuesday, October 23, at 3:30 pm. A reception will follow at the Bloom’s home after the service.
The Rotaract Club’s annual Pink Out For Breast Cancer awareness fundraiser was a success last week. The club more than doubled their money from last year’s event. All the proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the DCH Cancer Foundation.
Michael James, Executive editor of the Tuscaloosa News has been approved by the Board for membership into the Club.