Posted By rotary
President James requested prayers for Joe May’s family. His nephew was the young man killed in the hunting accident over the weekend.
President James also let us know that the Rotary Foundation will be sending out a satisfaction survey that we should see soon.
President James reminded everyone of the new badge method. No scanning upon arrival and simply drop your badge in the bucket upon departure.
Diane Salls announced out Annual “Sweetheart Night” which will be held at North River Yacht Club on 2/12/13. This will take the place of our meeting that week. Social hour begins at 6pm, followed by dinner at 6:45. Entertainment will be provided by the Lamplighters. Cost is $34.00 per person and Rotarians will be responsible for their meal as well as their guest this year. In the past the Rotary Club has absorbed the cost for the Rotarians, which is not the case this year. As in the past, if you are not a member of the NRYC, you will need to sign for your drinks, and you will be billed accordingly.