New from the Rotary International Foundation:
Posted By admin
District 6860 Governor Tom Greene visited and addressed the club last Tuesday. One of his major points in his talk was the importance of The Rotary Foundation and in particular regular annual support for The Foundation by each Rotarian. That Rotary International theme is referred to as, “Every Rotarian, Every Year” (EREY). He encouraged each of us to contribute SOMETHING to our Foundation each year. In our Tuscaloosa club, we have the opportunity to contribute along with our quarterly billing. This is an easy and efficient way to contribute. Many Rotarians utilize this method. Contributions are billed, collected, and forwarded to Rotary International to be credited to each member’s account. How easy is that! Also, Rotarians can contribute online at www. or make a check payable to The Rotary Foundation and get it to J.G. Brazil for handling.
Let this be the year when Tuscaloosa Rotarians are 100% in our giving to The Foundation. Your support is “essential to make possible Foundation grant-funded projects that bring sustainable improvement to communities in need.”