Dr. Mike Daria – Tuscaloosa City Schools Superintendent – September 13th, 2016

Posted By Thomas

daria_009Mike Daria serves as the Superintendent for the Tuscaloosa City Schools. He started his education career with the Greene County Schools before coming to the Tuscaloosa City Schools in 1996.

Daria has served as an English teacher, assistant principal, principal, executive director of personnel and assistant superintendent prior to his current role. He received his Ed.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Alabama. 

He and his wife Susy have two children, Nicholas and Tyler, who attend the Tuscaloosa City Schools. The Tuscaloosa City Schools are open for innovation and ideas. Your feedback helps us strengthen our organization and we invite you to share your comments, concerns, questions or compliments.

Visit TCS website – http://www.tusc.k12.al.us

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