The Rotary International Foundation (RIF) is the structure through which Rotarians worldwide support humanitarian and educational services. Virtually all Tuscaloosa Rotarians contribute, mostly through quarterly, semi-annual, or annual amounts added to club dues. The contributions accumulate for Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) and multiple-PHF recognition. What does the RIF do? Many things, but the top three are:


  1. International Scholarships – more than any other non-governmental entity;
  2. Group Study Exchange – hundreds of teams each year in a month-long visit to another society; and
  3. PolioPlus – Rotaryʼs bold determination to rid the world of the crippling disease.


 This committee encourages members to pledge to the Rotary International Foundation, through which Rotarians world-wide cooperatively sponsor humanitarian and educational programs. The committee each quarter accepts from the treasurer the accumulated Foundation gifts, records individual gifts, and forwards the amounts to Rotary International. Careful records are kept of the contributions of each Rotarian, in anticipation of that person reaching the Paul Harris Fellowship level or a multiple level.