Last Week, June 12 Rob Moore and Moody Radio South

Posted By rotary

Moody Radio south, Tuscaloosa Rotary Club, Rob MOoreLast week Tuscaloosa Rotary welcomed another of its own. Rob Moore, manager of several Christian radio stations owned by the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, spoke to the Club. He was joined by Alabama football standout Martin Houston, who after playing for the 1992 Championship team (and a brief stint with the Steelers) worked for many years at AT&T before coming to Moody Radio South as director of Community Relations.

Rob introduced Rotarians to the wide range of programs that Moody Radio South offers to its audience, whose potential is estimated at around 2.5 million across 36 counties in two states. In Tuscaloosa alone, Moody reaches some 30,000 from its station on Watermelon Road.

Martin Houston then spoke to the Club on the kinds of inspirational programming Moody offers its listeners. He focused especially on what he called his philosophy of “servant leadership,” popularized by Christain media and leadership consultants like John Maxwell. The best leaders, Houston suggested, serve with Heart, Head, Hands and Habits. They understand motives and matters of emotion and ideals; the think about and understand leadership, and especially their own assumptions about themselves and others; they apply their principles through hard work and engagement; and they embody their ideals through personal discipline.

For more on Rob and Moody Radio South, and to hear more from Martin Houston on servant leadership (and much more!) visit, or tune in to 88.9 FM in Tuscaloosa. 

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