This Week, October 30, 2012 Toby Roth with Capital Resources, LLC

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As an attorney and the former chief–of- staff for one of Alabama’s most successful governors, businesses, associations and organizations look to Toby for insight and leadership on their Alabama advocacy efforts.

Toby leads our Alabama office providing clients with a thorough understanding of the Alabama political and policy landscape, and effective relationships with policymakers.

He is experienced in devising smart strategic action plans for clients, achieving their short-term goals while supporting their long-term objectives. The following are some of Mr. Roth’s previous positions.

•Chief of Staff for Alabama Governor Bob Riley
•Campaign Director, 2002 Bob Riley for Governor campaign
•Vice President for Advancement, Business Council of Alabama
•Executive Director, Alabama Citizens for a Sound Economy
•Finance Director, 1996 Harold See for Alabama Supreme Court campaign 


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