This Week, February 28: Bradford Health Services and the Battle Against Addiction
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Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston. The tragedies of addiction and substance abuse are all over the the news. And behind the tabloid news stories are the
sobering statisitcs:
- Approximately 1 out of every 8 Americans is living with some form of addiction. And by every measure the rate is rising.
- Addiction to drugs and/or alcohol is a problem for approximately 30 million people in the United States alone.
- Approximately 15 percent of children under the age of 18 have admitted to experimenting with illegal drugs, and one-quarter of Eigth-grade students admit to smoking marijuana regularly.
- Approximately 70 percent of people who are using illegal drugs are employed.
- The average drug addict needs to come up with $200 per day to support his or her addiction.
- One-quarter of all hospital admissions are related to alcoholism.
Behind every statistic are countless human stories of suffering and consequences: bankruptcy, divorce, prison, hospitals and death.
This week, Rotarians at the Tuscaloosa noon meeting will learn more about not only addiction and its costs, but about the solutions. Representatives of Bradford Health
Services will speak to the Club about their many programs.
Bradford Health Services has been treating alcoholism and drug addiction in Alabama for more than 30 years. For more information visit