Jo Bonner – Vice Chancellor for Economic Development, UA – July 12th, 2016
Posted By Thomas
Josiah (Jo) Robins Bonner, Jr. is the Vice Chancellor for Economic Development for The University of Alabama System.
He joined the UA System in August 2013, initially holding a joint appointment for both Economic Development and Government Relations. In September 2015, Bonner was given sole responsibility for Economic Development. In making the announcement, UA System Chancellor Robert Witt said, “This is a critically important time in the history of our state, and the UA System is extremely mindful of our leadership role in job creation, industrial recruitment and business retention. We are fully committed to doing everything we can to help Alabama continue to grow.”
As Vice Chancellor, Bonner works the Vice Presidents for Research and Economic Development on the three campuses that make up the UA System – The University of Alabama, The University of Alabama at Birmingham and The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Additionally, Bonner works on a daily basis with state, local and national leaders to advance the System’s strategic mission, building on existing relationships and developing new ones that will enhance the mission of the state’s largest enterprise of higher education and help grow Alabama’s economy. The UA System has a total enrollment in excess of 60,000 students and an annual economic impact of over $8 billion.
Bonner earned a B.A. degree in Journalism from The University of Alabama in 1982. He is married to the former Janée Lambert, and they are parents of a daughter, Lee, a sophomore at The University of Alabama, and a son, Robins, a senior in high school. The Bonners make their home in Tuscaloosa.